Meteo API
This website is used in some programming and data management courses at the Digital Science Center of the Universität Innsbruck to practice API requests and handling data XML/JSON data sets. The data set is a copy of an open data set provided by the GeoSphere Austria, the Austrian national weather service and is neither complete nor updated regularely. To get the data via the original data source check out the links below. To get access to the data via this website, a valid API code is required. Participants of the corresponding courses will get the code during the lecture.
- Digital Science Center at Universität Innsbruck
- GeoSphere Austria, Bundesanstalt für Geologie, Geophysik, Klimatologie, und Meteorologie
- Public acess to the data via GeoSphere Austria Data Hub
The data provided here is a limited subset of the Messstationen Tagesdaten
) data set